About your chakras!

     Did you know that most physical, mental, and emotional issues can be improved or even eliminated by healing the chakras? It's true!

     All chakras correlate with a stage in your developmental growth and are influenced by the world around you, the people that raised you, and the beliefs that they had at the time. Simply stated, you are most likely living based on thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you.

     Schedule a session with me and I will help you determine what your most unbalanced, blocked, and overactive chakras are. Together we'll develop a plan that works for you to get your life to a more balanced, loving state and replace outdated beliefs with those that will serve you better.

     I offer a variety of healing services that can be done both in person or virtually. I have been a certified Reiki master since 2011 and am very experienced in energy healing, clearing, and balancing. I am also a certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, currently undergoing an extensive additional training with Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, which can help with any negative emotion you may be experiencing. This can be anywhere from stress, anxiety, depression, and fear, to trauma, PTSD, and pain.

     The world outside only looks how your thoughts and beliefs look, and a new world is waiting for you!


You may schedule a free consultation with me at heal.me/roothealings.