
I didn’t really have anything specific to focus on when we began our session. Jamie was helpful at uncovering feelings that stemmed from childhood, guiding me through them, and reminding me that I was surrounded by love. Initially, when discussing these memories, I felt some deep fear come up for me that I thought I had already healed. She re-walked me through the same scenario 3 times and each time the fear began to dissipate. By the third time, this situation that initially brought me so much fear and disempowerment had me feeling strong and empowered. It also helped me to understand how this has impacted other areas of my life. All of this was done in just one session. Thank you, Jamie!

- Chelsea

As a complete newbie to this, the session was very informative and easy to understand.  Jamie walked me step by step and seemed very knowledgeable on EFT. I always  felt understood by her and never judged. She has such a calming and caring soul. I honestly learned something new about my anxiety that my few sessions of therapy in the past never even went into. Even my boyfriend figured out something new about his childhood just from me telling him about the session! It was all very nurturing and goes straight to the point and into the healing. I've met with other people in the past that either would beat around the bush for a while or I never learned how to heal/Fix my troubles. This on the other hand, really makes you reflect but also guides you on how to heal. 

- Angela

I had heard of EFT or tapping before meeting Jamie and knew it could produce good results and peace but what I didn't know about was OEFT and how quickly and effectively the work could happen. 

In my first session with Jamie, I was in acute relationship pain and frankly could not imagine that anything would ever create any relief. Yeah that kind of pain.  She compassionately met me where I was at with empathy and curiosity and then walked me through a short but INCREDIBLY effective OEFT session. It was truly nothing less than mind blowing how quick and effective the session was  and how much relief I experienced immediately. Jamie was able to stay with me while in incredible pain and also witness the transformation compassionately with me. Both are remarkable skills of human connection and deeply treasured while I do some deep work.

- Deagon

Hey Jamie. Thank you so much for our session. I know our session helped me release some things around apprehension in relation to my childhood and being let down. I got good news btw and I even used your eft technique today when I was feeling hopeless. I never seen anyone do it your way which is very easy and simply for me. I usually don’t do eft unless it’s a follow along because I usually don’t know what to say but you knocked that right out. 

Thanks so much!

- Destiny

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