Mounted for display - Blue Fluorite for CALMNESS, Focus, Karmic Patterns, THROAT CHAKRA, Amazing Color - Blue French Fluorite Crystal - Gems, Minerals, Crystals

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This piece is absolutely magnificent. Blue is one of the rarest colors of fluorite and this one has a yellow core! Gorgeous!! It is a large piece, the crystal itself measuring approximately 1.5”w x 1.5”h x 2”d. The surface does have a few dings and flaws but it definitely doesn’t distract from the beauty both in color and the contrasting lines of dark and light blue. Not to mention that yellow core! 

Beautifully displayed on a mirroring square of acrylic. Sure to look amazing anywhere you place it. 

Rare Blue French Fluorite

La Barre Mine, France

Description below from

Blue Fluorite brings a calm, rational energy to the system, promoting orderly, sequential thoughts and enabling one to direct the brain’s activities toward an intended purpose. Attuned to the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, it is an exceptional talisman for well-ordered record-keeping, and fosters clear, concise communication skills. It inspires gentle honesty, a sense of justice, and letting go of obsessions, frustrations and disappointments. Blue Fluorite is an ideal stone for spiritual awakening and reprogramming karmic patterns. It heals soul fragmentation from the present or past lives, and aids cellular memory healing. [Melody En, 295][Hall En, 151][Gienger, 39][Eason, 243]

Blue Fluorite opens channels of communication, both in this reality and between this plane and other worlds. It is wonderful for those having a hard time accepting the here and now to reach out to others. Wear or carry Blue Fluorite to soften dealings with those who are brutally honest, and in the workplace to communicate logical thoughts that move actions forward when people argue in circles.

Use Fluorite to clear mental fog, confusion or conflicting ideas, or to quiet worried thoughts and anxiety. It is ideal for overcoming any form of disorganization, and is perfect for increasing thought and concentration. An excellent study and learning tool, Fluorite helps absorb new information, and improves memorization and retention. Used regularly, it nurtures the intelligence and is even believed to raise the I.Q.

Blue Fluorite activates the Throat Chakra, the voice of the body. It is, in essence, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked, or out of balance, it can affect the health of the other chakras. When it is in balance and open, it allows for the expression of what we think and feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions, bringing our personal truth out into the world.

Fluorite is also balancing to the Third Eye Chakra and to mental energies in general. It is one of the most powerful of the New Age Stones, bringing onto the physical plane higher forms of truth and integrating those concepts into the mind, which in turn manifests on the material plane. [Simmons, 159][Raphaell, 106-107]

Fluorite is a multi-dimensional crystal manifesting the highest aspect of the mind: attunement to Spirit. It heightens intuitive powers, and awakens one to the purity and perfection of the universe and how each individual fits into that perfect plan. Within Fluorite’s essence, it is possible to develop an understanding of the non-physical realities of the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions, and to explore the inner sanctums of the self, where all knowledge and wisdom is contained. Fluorite allows one to align with the source of our being and to stay consciously attuned to Divine Will while still functioning on the physical plane. It enables one to be at peace while still claiming one’s uniqueness and individual expression. [Raphaell, 106-107, 113][Hall, 129][Melody En, 295]

Blue Fluorite brings trust, faith, patience, and respect, lending the focus we need to become more sincere, act more responsibly, and become more trustworthy. Light blue crystals help us accept the life we have, develop patience, reconcile differences or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt. Darker blue talismans enhance the respect and compassion we have within ourselves. They teach us humanity, discretion and honor, and encourage us to act more charitably and focus our efforts on service to others